All over the world , the device  most used by the people is smartphone.People  mainly use smartphones for  Searching,shopping  etc.Each and everyone  can easily access  anything from  smartphones,so  it  is  one the hot topic in website area. The website loading on your mobile  depends upon some factors  like loading
speed,Text formats,Page display formats etc.Websites are  designed  for desktop users  so they can easily  navigate  through mouse clicks .  Is mouse clicks or Touches more convenient for you?  Think !  Touches are easy to  access rather than mouse clicks.A mobile  responsive website is flexible,moving freely across all screen sizes and devices. Statistics say that  over  90%  of  internet traffic  is from mobile devices.

What is responsive web design?
A  responsive website detects  different device screen sizes, it doesn’t detect device types.A responsive website automatically reformat design and content to best suit the  size screen it’s being viewed on.

Benefits of  a mobile  friendly website
    Positive ranking signal
    Improved user experience
    Faster download speed
    More flexible and cost effective rather than app development

Click Here to See What Your Website Looks Like on Smartphones


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